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     I recently got one of my boy hood toys from my mothers garage that the neighbor kid was about to destroy. It's an Army Green Tonka Jeep similar to a Willy's CJ3B. I have bought a few different colored varieties, including a USAF version with a spare tire, off eBay and decided I'll probably try and start collecting these 10" style Jeeps. Since it is modeled after the Willy's Jeep and I have a web page going, I decided to make another page with the Tonka's on it. I haven't snapped any digital photos of mine yet but when I do I will post them here. In the mean time I would like to know how many different models there are, what the model number is, and what year it was produced. So if you might know for sure, any of this info, please drop me a line. 

I decided to try and make a picture catalog of as many of the different models I can find, since I've had no luck surfing the internet for one complete grouping. Here are a few pictures I gathered so far while surfing, can you help me identify a model #, model name, or the year it was produced? If I find a better picture I will replace the one I have on the page now.

One thing I have noticed is more than one version of the Army Jeep. There is one with and without the top and one with a white interior and white wall tires verses an OD interior and blackwall tires. I have also seen the little Tonka sticker on the rear above the wheel well and some without a trace of a decal at all on the sides. Can anyone elaborate on this for me?



Logo 1947-1955


Logo 1956-1957


Logo 1958-1961


Logo 1962-1969


Logo 1970-1973


Logo 1974-1975


Logo 1976-1977


Logo 1978-PRESENT





My Collection...

 19XX # XXX      19XX # XXX                19XX # 2200                   19XX # XXX               1970? # XXX                    19XX # XXX      19XX # 350

       ARMY                USAF                  Teal Green Jeep          Sage Green Jeep        Lime Green Jeep            SkyBlue Jeep    Pink Surrey


...and those yet to collect


              19XX # 2445                            1970-73 # 2445                                               1969 # 2445                                               

      Orange Dunebuggy                  Yellow Dunebuggy                                       Red Dunebuggy                                          


                       trailer.jpg (178812 bytes) 

1964 # 304 Jeep Commander-Original Box and Book                               19XX # XXX

                                                                                                                                ARMY Trailer?


19XX # 2304 Tonka Jeep Commander-Original Box and Book    



1962 # 251 Military Jeep Universal



19XX # 435  AA Jeep Wrecker & Plow


19XX # 2435 Jeep Wrecker & Plow




Three Different Colors of Blue and a Red for the Jeep Runabout?


  19XX # 516  Jeep Runabout 


19XX # 516  Jeep Runabout


Decal date log courtesy of Neat Old Toys

19XX # 2516  Jeep Runabout



19XX # 350 "Pink" Surrey Jeep                   19XX # XXX "Green" Surrey Jeep Possible Runabout (see Trailer)?



1963-64 ? # 425  Jeep Fire Truck?


1965-66 # 325  Police Jeep



1962 # 200  Jeep Dispatcher (one w/ white windshield)


1965-66 # 249  Jeep Universal



Look Books

60ad.jpg (17405 bytes)   61lb.jpg (46029 bytes)   60sbook.jpg (53289 bytes)    jeep03.jpg (15446 bytes)   1970tonkabook.jpg (68402 bytes)

       1960                    1961                    1964                       19??                   1970


If you can verify a Year, Model Name, or Model Number, then drop me an e-mail so I can update this listing. Also If you have a better image than the one I have then send it as an attachment and I'll try and get it loaded here.


Also visit The Tonka Jeep Story at Derek Redmond's Site

e-mail me