I decided to try and make a picture catalog of as many of the different models I can find, since I've had no luck surfing the internet for one complete grouping. Here are a few pictures I gathered so far while surfing, can you help me identify a model #, model name, or the year it was produced? If I find a better picture I will replace the one I have on the page now.
One thing I have noticed is more than one version of the Army Jeep. There is one with and without the top and one with a white interior and white wall tires verses an OD interior and blackwall tires. I have also seen the little Tonka sticker on the rear above the wheel well and some without a trace of a decal at all on the sides. Can anyone elaborate on this for me?
1947-1955 |
1956-1957 |
1958-1961 |
1962-1969 |
1970-1973 |
1974-1975 |
1976-1977 |
1978-PRESENT |
My Collection...
19XX # XXX 19XX # XXX 19XX # 2200 19XX # XXX 1970? # XXX 19XX # XXX 19XX # 350
ARMY USAF Teal Green Jeep Sage Green Jeep Lime Green Jeep SkyBlue Jeep Pink Surrey
...and those yet to collect
19XX # 2445 1970-73 # 2445 1969 # 2445
Orange Dunebuggy Yellow Dunebuggy Red Dunebuggy
1964 # 304 Jeep Commander-Original Box and Book 19XX # XXX
ARMY Trailer?
19XX # 2304 Tonka Jeep Commander-Original Box and Book
1962 # 251 Military Jeep Universal
19XX # 435 AA Jeep Wrecker & Plow
19XX # 2435 Jeep Wrecker & Plow
Three Different Colors of Blue and a Red for the Jeep Runabout?
19XX # 516 Jeep Runabout
19XX # 516 Jeep Runabout
19XX # 2516 Jeep Runabout
19XX # 350 "Pink" Surrey Jeep 19XX # XXX "Green" Surrey Jeep Possible Runabout (see Trailer)?
1963-64 ? # 425 Jeep Fire Truck?
1965-66 # 325 Police Jeep
1962 # 200 Jeep Dispatcher (one w/ white windshield)
1965-66 # 249 Jeep Universal
Look Books
1960 1961 1964 19?? 1970
If you can verify a Year, Model Name, or Model Number, then drop me an e-mail so I can update this listing. Also If you have a better image than the one I have then send it as an attachment and I'll try and get it loaded here.
Also visit The Tonka Jeep Story at Derek Redmond's Site
e-mail me